After the end of KOTOR:TSL, the Exile (Lysia) tracks down Revan in the Unknown Regions, and convinces her to come back to the galaxy and join forces to fight the upcoming threat. A companion/follow-up piece to "The One Behind Your Mask", written from Revan's point of view.
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Standing in the Ebon Hawk's main hold, everything from the ship's hum to the smells and lights feels so familiar that it is difficult not to settle into comfortable - and unacceptable - complacency. Lysia looks at me from across the room, expression betraying thoughts that I should rest. Her presence is even more of a disturbance than the ship, as if tempting me to forget the past decades and go back to the simpler times when we were friends.
It is no help that she looks so unchanged. Maybe wiser with experience, more worldly, with streaks of grey in her blond hair, but at core the same in every way. Glowing bright, standing unassuming and approachable but still protective, her faith in the goodness of the universe unshaken. Rather than speak about herself, she has taken to telling me all about her apprentices, blue eyes shining with quiet pride.
The only one that came along on this mission is the young man who pilots the ship and seems way too close to her. He has been avoiding me ever since they reached me, which I assumed upon meeting him was because I would recognize his training as one of my own design. Yet, though he looked horrified when I noted it, Lysia only awkwardly stated she knew, then thanked me for worrying.
Insufferable of her to point it out, really.
"Were you planning to gather your old allies?" Lysia asks, clearly having given up on getting me to sleep. "Korriban is in ruins. The other forces have scattered…"
I shake my head. "If I return, the ones that remain will rise and follow."
"Will it be enough? I still do not know the full extent of what we face. I will appeal to the Republic. And the queen of Onderon might help us if I go to her."
"Go. We must visit Manaan as well. I should remind them of who helped when both the Republic and the previous Sith administration were breaking their beloved laws," I tell her. "Kashyyyk may also ally with us."
"Kashyyyk? They won't even speak with us!"
"They will speak with me."
The image of the treetop village in Kashyyyk appears in my mind. I wonder how Zalbaar's father will react to seeing me return alone, to hearing that his son is dead. If anything, learning that he attacked me, the one to whom he had sworn a life debt, can only bring more sympathy to my case. He brought shame upon his people by breaking his oath.
Of course, that said oath was broken only in attempt to save another is not something I will be divulging.
Lysia's expression drops at my sudden silence. "You seem tired," she says.
I stop myself from grimacing. Would she still be so concerned for me if she knew my thoughts? If she knew of Zalbaar and Mission, and how I am planning to leverage their deaths even now?
Then I glance back at her. She frowns in concern, but there is determination in her eyes. I picture myself telling her about what happened to my late crew, how they met their demise at my hands after trusting me with their lives.
"You know I cannot approve of what you have done, but I am sure it was difficult for you as well," Lysia's hypothetical response is clear in my mind. "I'm sorry, Revan."
That it is exactly what she would say.
This time, I cannot help a small smile to myself. Still, I have no intention of burdening anyone with the knowledge of my sins. Whatever I had to do, whatever I will have to do - that weight is mine to carry. Alone.
"Revan?" The real Lysia in front of me calls again. I give her a nod as I push myself off the wall.
"I'm going to sleep."