After the end of KOTOR:TSL, the Exile (Lysia) tracks down Revan in the Unknown Regions, and convinces her to come back to the galaxy and join forces to fight the upcoming threat. Written from Lysia's point of view.
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I kept telling myself she is not the same as she was, and yet she is. Her black hair faded to a dark grey, either from the taint in her or the weight of the past ten years, but it’s still worn in the same style. Her face is paler, the eyes sunken in, but there is still so much resolve in them. She remains small and slim, the armor making up half her bulk, yet her presence takes up the entire room.
“I didn’t expect to see you again,” she says in a cool, even voice. As if it’s nothing.
“Yes, I believe you told me something to that effect last time.” When I was lying in bed, confused and nearly dead, and you told me you had planned it all. I try to laugh but I can’t.
“Of all the people T3 could have gone to for help, it ended up being you. He has been telling me about your adventures. You ran into quite some trouble on my account.”
Once again, you mean? Everything feels so heavy. She is the one who destroyed everything, and yet she isn’t. She isn’t my old friend, and yet she is.
“I knew my apprentice would try to track me down somehow, but I truly wasn’t planning to have you - of all people - involved. Of course, I didn’t factor Kreia in.” She is still on her placid tirade. “Seeing as you took care of that problem, however-”
“You need to come back with us!”
Revan’s expression finally shifts, so subtle a change I doubt anyone else would have noticed it. A flash of curiosity, or perhaps perplexity at my words, that is gone again in a moment.
“I have things I need to do here, Lysia.”
“You cannot do it alone. Return with us and we will fight together.”
“No.” Her semblance remains casual as she picks up some small device, twirling it idly between her fingers. “Truly, I am surprised you want my help at all. I am the Dark Lord, Lysia. The friend who betrayed you, used you. The one who turned her back on everything you believe in. ” She grins. “And one who does not regret it.”
I clench my teeth. She has been like this since childhood - the same refusal to accept help, that controlled expression, keeping all plans and secrets to herself. Acting like nothing can touch her.
It’s a lie. It has always been a lie. This time I am not playing along.
“I can’t condone the things you’ve done, but I don’t expect you to regret it. You may have deceived me too, and for a long time at that, but this is who you always were, isn’t it? The one who noticed a threat and was willing to throw everything away to save the galaxy from it.”
The dark energy swirling around Revan frizzles and snaps, but the same grin is still plastered onto her face. Mocking, calculated, fake.
“You almost make me sound like a hero. Is your mind so broken that you don’t understand the things I have done?”
I’m tired of this game. I have wondered if anything would have been different if I had seen through her sooner, and I refuse to be left wondering after this. Revan is coming back with us. We need her help, and she needs us, whether she likes it or not.
“I understand,” I reply. “As I understand you sacrificed yourself as much as you did the rest of us endless pawns.” I try my best to mimic one of Revan’s neutral expressions, though a smile does slip through.
Revan does not appreciate my sympathy. She puts down the device she had been holding, surely a little more forcefully than she meant to. "Is that what it looks like to you?"
I scoff and roll my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest in my best imitation of her usual stance. "Oh, no, I think you simply abandoned a bright future with the Order on a whim to build an empire you got tired of halfway through, and then decided to come take a little break in the middle of nowhere." My voice drips with a cruel sarcasm even I realize doesn't suit me. "I am sure your only deranged goal was to betray all your friends, corrupt them, and watch them die. At which you did succeed, I suppose. After all, Alek would have done anything for you, and you managed to make even him into someone who hated you to the point of trying to murder yo-"
Sparks of colored light fly in all directions, my just-in-time ignited sabers clashing with the flashing red whirlwind of Revan's attack. She is staring right at me through the crossed blades, face bathed in red and silver and bronze, and eyes full of fury.
I only smile down at her.
The confrontation lasts but a second before Revan steps back. Her impassive expression is back in place, but she still turns away from me - whether angry at herself for losing her composure, embarrassed over falling for my obvious provocation, or struggling with her memories, I couldn't say.
Although I would be lying if I said I was not a little proud of myself for defeating her at her own game, for once in our lives.
"I will return with you," Revan breaks the silence.
I can only blink in surprise for a second before smiling at her turned back. "Thank you. I will give you time to prepare." I start towards the door before stopping. "For what it's worth, Revan - I am sorry I misunderstood you for so long."
"What?" She scoffs and glances back at me. "You are apologizing? Really, after all this time, you are still the same old fool you always were."
I shake my head with a small smile. "I suppose I am."
And even if she would deny it all the way to her grave, I can see the amusement flash through her eyes.