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振り向いた その後ろの(正面だぁれ?)
暗闇に 爪を立てて(夜を引き裂いた)
Look around, behind you (who’s in front?)
In the darkness, scratching nails (the night was torn open)
雨垂れは血の雫となって頬を つたい落ちる
Raindrops, along with dripping blood, falling on cheeks
If there is no longer a place to return to anywhere
この指止まれ 私の指に
その指ごと 連れてってあげる
ひぐらしが鳴く 開かずの森へ
後戻りは もう出来ない
Come to where my finger points
With those fingers, I’ll take you along
To the forbidden forest where cicadas cry
Afterwards, there will be no returning
ひとりずつ 消されてゆく(蒼い炎)
暗闇の その向うに(朝はもう来ない)
One by one are made to disappear (blue flames)
On that other side of the darkness (morning won't come anymore)
鏡の中で 蠢き伸ばしてくる無数の手で
With countless outstretched hands wriggling like worms inside the mirror
Go on, invite someone else here
鬼さんこちら 手の鳴るほうへ
どんなに逃げても 捕まえてあげる
ひぐらしが鳴く けもの道から
Blind man, come here, follow the clapping hands
No matter how much you run, I’ll capture you
In the animal path where cicadas cry
The voice that could be heard is no more
この指止まれ 私の指に
その指ごと 連れてってあげる
ひぐらしが鳴く 開かずの森へ
後戻りは もう出来ない
Come to where my finger points
With those fingers, I’ll take you along
To the forbidden forest where cicadas cry
Afterwards, there will be no returning
鬼さんこち 手の鳴るほうへ
どんなに逃げても 捕まえてあげる
ひぐらしが鳴く けもの道から
Blind man, come here, follow the clapping hands
No matter how much you run, I’ll capture you
In the animal path where cicadas cry
The voice that could be heard is no more