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一定の距離の中 鋭い視線でこちらを
伺ってる大人のオオカミに 心惹かれたの
Within a set distance, I was fascinated by
An inquiring adult wolf with a piercing gaze
大丈夫 その牙で 私に噛み付けば分かるわ
見た目に違うようで 本当は あなたと同じ
It's okay - if you bite me with those fangs, I'll understand
Despite looking different from the outside, the truth is I'm the same as you
遠吠えにつられて 誰かも泣いてた 仲間を呼んでる寂しい声に
紛れて凌ぐ 私は違うと けれど1人じゃ とても生きられない
Lured by the howling, someone else was crying too, calling its companions in a lonely voice
Forgetting my sorrows and enduring, I'm different, yet I can't live all alone
Make me stay by your side…
何にも言わなくていい ただそっと体をくつけていよう
言葉は何の役にもたたない 時があるから
It's okay to say nothing, let's just quietly hold our bodies close
Because there are times when words are useless
決して癒えることのない傷でも 誰かが 分かってくれさえすればいい
私には そう 誰かが必要 けれどそれ以上に 信じる心を
Even with wounds that will never heal, it's fine as long as someone understands
I need such a someone, but to have a heart that believes as much—
覗いた目の中に あなたは何を 見たのでしょう?
強さの対にある 危うげなもの 見ないふりをした
I wonder what you saw inside peering eyes?
I pretended not to see the dangerous thing of opposing strength
決して癒えることのない傷でも 誰かが 分かってくれさえすればいい
私には そう 誰かが必要 けれどそれ以上に 信じる心を
Even with wounds that will never heal, it's fine as long as someone understands
I need such a someone, but to have a heart that believes as much—
遠吠えにつられて 誰かも泣いてた 仲間を呼んでる 寂しい声に
紛れて凌ぐ 私は違うと けれど1人じゃ とても生きられない
Lured by the howling, someone else was crying too, calling its companions in a lonely voice
Forgetting my sorrows and enduring, I'm different, yet I can't live all alone
Make me stay by your side…