✾Song Lyrics✾


*This song includes some lyrics in Italian, which I did not translate.
» see more translated song lyrics

Ma gli uomini non si accorsero di nulla

黒い空を裂いた 三日月は白く
そっと枝を飾り 暗い森照らした
Tearing the black sky, the crescent moon was white
Softly illuminating the dark forest decorated with branches

赤い 果実齧り 見渡した街は
誰も訪れない 朽ち果てた王国
Sinking one’s teeth in the red fruit, the city I look out upon is
A ruined country visited by no one

目を閉じて心深く 聴こえだす痛みたち ざわめく
I close my eyes and the pains that can be heard from the depths of my heart stir

――――――共鳴シテ 環ヲ描イテ 想イ アフレ ハジケル
――――――Resonating, going in circles, thoughts bursting and overflowing

哀しみに囚われ 苦しみに縛られ
永久の 夜を 彷徨うの
砕け散った世界 静寂に零れ落ち
蒼い 炎 咲かせ 誘うよ
Imprisoned in sadness, bound by suffering
Wandering about in eternal night
As a shattered world silently scatters
A blue flame is tempted to bloom

滅びの 記憶が 私に 木霊する
The memory of destruction echoes in me

Gli avvertimenti per gli uomini si susseguirono:
Gli uccelli caddero dal cielo
Gli alberi seccarono uno dopo l'altro
Gli animali scomparvero dalla foresta
Ma gli uomini non si accorsero di nulla

瑠璃に染まる 蔦草は長く
欠けた天窓へと 絡み合い伸びてゆく
Dyed in lapis lazuli, long ivy
Stretches, intertwining, up to the missing skylight

降り注ぐ 嘆きたちを
何一つ 掬う事できず 立ちすくむ
Pouring, lamentations
I’m petrified, incapable of saving a single one

砕け散った世界 静寂に零れ落ち
蒼い 炎 押し寄せて
逃れられぬ悪夢 闇夜を埋め尽くし
惑う 心 歪み 乱される
As a shattered world silently tumbles and falls
A blue flame marches forward
An inescapable nightmare, blanketed in dark night
A lost heart is distorted and falls to chaos

明日を 無くして 何時まで 夢見るの
With no tomorrow, until when will this dream last?

Il cielo fu avvolto da nubi oscure
La terra gemette in silenzio
Ma gli uomini non si accorsero di nulla
Fu cosi che scoppio la catastrofe
Gli uomini, senza neppure il tempo per pregare
Le citta, coperte dal velo della morte

Replicare どうして
苦しみの輪廻は 続くの
Replicare どうして
哀しみの連鎖は 止まらない
Replicare, why
Does the samsara of suffering continue on?
Replicare, why
Doesn’t the chain of sadness stop?

滅びの 記憶が 私に 木霊する
逃げる事も 出来ず 今
哀しみに囚われ 苦しみに縛られ
永久の 夜を 彷徨い続けてる
The memory of destruction echoes in me
Now, without even being able to run away
Imprisoned in sadness, bound by suffering
I continue wandering about in eternal night

砕け散った世界 静寂に零れ落ち
蒼い 炎 押し寄せて
逃れられぬ悪夢 闇夜を埋め尽くし
惑う 心 歪み 乱される
As a shattered world silently tumbles and falls
A blue flame marches forward
An inescapable nightmare, blanketed in dark night
A lost heart is distorted and falls to chaos

狂える 時間が 私を 呪縛し
壊れて 繋がり 彼の日は 繰り返す
Until madness, I am bound by a curse
Breaking and overlapping, those days repeat on

✾Song Lyrics✾