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translated lyrics of サイレントノイズ / Silent Noise by Plastic Tree
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プラットホームは真空 最終列車が通過
運命線を辿ったら シアトリカルな新宿
結んで解いて掌に 何残すの?
The platform is empty, it's the last train passage
Feeling like the end of the dream has come, I laugh
If you follow the fate line, theatrical Shinjuku
Tie and untie in my palm, what is left?

恋情は憐憫に到るんで サンプル版が丁度いいのに
更新ばっか 感傷主義は 日常化
Love is attaining compassion, although just a sample version is fine
Nothing but an update, the principle of sentimentality is making it ordinary

刹那 こころ過る残像は いつか消えてしまう理と
記憶 組み合わせて再生を 奏でれば世界に響く サイレントノイズ
Moments, the imprint that comes across my heart is a principle that will completely disappear one day
Memories, if you replay them combined, a silent noise resounds in the world

頭上でカラスが舞えば 真っ黒な天使みたい
低いハミングで懺悔歌えど 戯言
If crows dance high in the sky, they look like pitch-black angels
With a low hum, they sing repentance, but it is nonsense

価値観は人それぞれだもん うしろのしょうめんだぁれ?
無駄にしちゃった存在証明 再発行
Values are each person's thing, who is behind the facade?
Pointlessly made proof of existence reissued

故に脳裏刻む残響も いつの間にか違う声になる
バイパス そのままの僕を鳴らせ あてのない世界が回る
Therefore, a clearly remembered echo becomes a different voice before one can notice
Bypass, becoming the me I am now, a world without aim turns

天秤ばかりに掛けたなら 君、僕、等しくシンメトリー
或る筈のモノが無い此処に 間に合わせの星座 ギラギラ
If only hung on scales, you, me, evenly symmetrical
Here where a certain expected thing is missing, makeshift constellations twinkle

刹那 こころ過る残像は いつか消えてしまう理と
記憶 組み合わせて再生を 繰り返すだけ
Moments, the imprint that comes across my heart is a principle that will completely disappear one day
Memories, combined into replay, only repeat

その間、数秒ほどの空白に 何度恋い焦がれて堕ちていく?
自作自演のいろごとなれど 鮮やかな色に変えて バージョンアップ
Meanwhile, in at most seconds of blank space, how many times do we yearn and fall?
Playing my part of a love affair, but in a brilliant color it changes to an upgrade

プラットホームはもう遠く 窓にはビル群の墓標
夢が終わったの告げるように いまトワイライ
The platform is more distant, in the window are the gravestones of buildings
Like the announcing of the finished dream, it's twilight now.

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