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translated lyrics of 誰ガ為ノ世界 / Ta ga tame no Sekai ("A World For Someone's Sake") by Akiko Shikata
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森の海を 漂うのは
憂いたたえ 揺れる小舟
澄みわたる 刹那の静寂
Drifting in the forest's sea
Is a grief-filled, swaying small boat
A wandering soul and
Stillness of a perfectly clear bond

枝葉つたう 時の滴
震え落ちる 無垢な祈り
A drop of time following along the foliage
Trembles and falls, an innocent prayer’s
Reflection in the water
Despite the cycle of undefeated sadness

誰もが傷つき 痛みを背負って
誰かを傷つけ ひた走る
酷く残酷な風が 吹き荒れてもなお
譲れない想い その胸に秘めたまま
Take responsibility for the pain of anyone who’s hurt
Do your best even if you hurt someone
Even now, a harsh, cruel wind blows like a storm
Feelings not conveyed, hidden inside that chest just like this

闇の砂丘 流れ着けば
瑠璃を帯びた 琥珀の蝶
翅に乗せ たゆたうばかり
Should it wash ashore the sand dunes of darkness
An amber butterfly wearing lapis lazuli,
The power of words of days past
Will be carried in always fluttering wings

錆びて朽ちた 鍵束でも
希望 一縷抱けるなら
If, even with a rusted and decayed bundle of keys,
One holds on to the slightest hope
A treasure that must be protected
Before love turns into an offense

嘆きの扉を こじ開けて進め
強く儚く優しい 真実と嘘と
裏切りと罪と その全て受け止めて
The door of grief continues being wrenched open
Even if the world is for someone's sake
Strong, fleeting, kind truth and lies
Betrayal and sins - accept it all

哀しき運命を 生きる者よ
滅びの振り子に あらがう者よ
いつかいつの日か 仰ぐ天に
安らぎの音が 響くように—
Oh, people who live a sad fate
Oh, people who oppose the pendulum of ruin
So that one day, someday, looking up at the sky
The sound of tranquility will resound

矛盾の涙は 銀の波飛沫
鮮やかなままで ただ 此処にあるから
Contradictory tears are silver wave droplets
Even if the world is for someone's sake
The outline of a dream of distant days, that even now
Is still vivid like this, exists only here

誰もが傷つき 痛みを背負って
誰かを傷つけ ひた走る
酷く残酷な風が 吹き荒れてもなお
譲れない想い その胸に秘めたまま
Take responsibility for the pain of anyone who’s hurt
Do your best even if you hurt someone
Even now, a harsh, cruel wind blows like a storm
Feelings not conveyed, hidden inside that chest just like this

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