✾Song Lyrics✾


*This song includes some lyrics in Italian, which I did not translate.
» see more translated song lyrics

Il vento diviene bufera
Infuriano i marosi
Il mare chiama mugghiando la Maga che ha vissuto mille anni
Ho tanto atteso questo giorno!
Ho tanto temuto questo giorno!
Il destino, chi festeggerà?
Oh Maga! Oh Maga!
Che cosa mi annuncerai?

夜を渡り逝く月に 潮は高く満ちて
うみねこのなく聲は 不穏の雲を招く
As the moon keeps crossing the night, the tide rises high
The crying voice of seagulls beckons clouds of unrest

黄金色の呪いと 遺されし言葉と
ひめやかな微笑みは 紅に滲む
Golden curses and words left behind
And secret laughter spread crimson

閉ざされた眸で 何を求めてる
壊れたその欠片を 集めてみても
触れた指を零れる 君に届かない
飾られた虚実 愛がなければ視えない
What is being wished for with closed eyes?
Even if I try to collect those broken pieces
I cannot reach you, whose escaping fingers I touched
Embellished truths and lies cannot be seen without love

Beatrice! Maga crudele!
Di bellezza senza pari
Beatrice! Oh! Di dolcezza capricciosa
Mai potrò liberarmi dal tuo incantesimo
Se questa pena deve durare, almeno una volta abbi pietà

舞い踊る蝶の翅 夢と現行き交い
降り止まぬ雨音は 真実も嘘も隠す
A dream of dancing butterfly wings and the present blend together
The sound of incessant rain hides both the truth and lies

開かれし宴と 選ばれし羊と
絡み合う憎しみが 杯を満たす
The opening feast and chosen sheep
And intertwined hate fill the cup

囚われた世界で 何を探してる
許しあえる奇蹟を 願っていても
声は風に浚われ 君に届かない
繰り返す孤独 愛がなければ消えない
What is being sought in an imprisoned world?
Even if I wish for the miracle of mutual forgiveness
I cannot reach you, whose voice is swept away by the wind
The repeating loneliness won't disappear without love

寄せては返す 喜び 哀しみ
暗い夜半の海へ 流そう
涙も傷跡も 全てが交じり合い
偽りの君は 闇の中へ
Approaching and receding, delight and sorrow
Let them be set adrift in the dark sea of midnight
Both tears and scars, a mix of everything
To the fake you amidst the darkness

Rumore di onde. La voce del mare come un canto
Ascoltando sembra purificarsi la colpa commessa
Mi culla dolcemente il rumore delle ondo
Sereno mi addormento e ho sogni felici

閉ざされた眸で 何を求めてる
壊れたその欠片を 集めてみても
触れた指を零れる 君に届かない
飾られた虚実 愛がなければ視えない
What is being wished for with closed eyes?
Even if I try to collect those broken pieces
I cannot reach you, whose escaping fingers I touched
Embellished truths and lies cannot be seen without love

Senza amore, la verità non si vede

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